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Hardware details, box car, NCNG
#32 $ 7.00 set
Details, caboose, SRRL
#556-558 $25.00

Above set contains windows, cupola, carlines, doors, catwalk
supports, queen posts
Hardware details, ventilated box car, SPC,
full vent $21.00
Hardware details, ventilated box car, SPC,
half vent $21.00
Above 2 sets contain (2) end details, door runner
supports and stops, (2) vent door frames,
(2) side door frames, catwalk, queen posts, door latches
and brake wheel
R-5 Door latches, NCNG
boxcar $ 2.00
R-40 Ribs, 24" box car catwalk
$ 3.00 /24
R-41 Ribs, 18" box car catwalk
$ 3.00 /24
R-42 Ribs, 15" box car catwalk
$ 3.00 /24
R-43 Ribs, 21" box car catwalk
$ 3.00 /24

B-47A Brake
Wheel, 15", w/ Rachet and Pawl
$ 3.00 pr.
B-48A Brake
Wheel, 16", ABS Plastic w/ Rachet and Pawl
$ 3.00 pr.
B-48S Brake
Wheel, 16", Styrene Plastic w/ Rachet and Pawl
$ 3.00 pr.
B-49A Brake
Wheel, 16", 5 spoke w/ Rachet and Pawl
$ 3.00 pr.
B-1045 Brake
Wheel, 16", Brass w/ Rachet and Pawl V&T, SP
$ 6.00 pr.
N-7 Nuts, 1½" hex, no washer
$ 3.00 /78
N-8 Nuts, 2" hex no washer
$ 3.00 /78
N-9 Nuts, 1½" square, no washer
$ 3.00 /78

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